Simple Bare Necessities, a zero-waste store that opened in Sparta this Earth Day, is hosting its first event in celebration of Plastic Free July. The event will be at 8 A.M. on July 4th at the Stairway to Heaven Trail in Vernon, New Jersey. Participants will clean up the trail. Gloves, buckets, garbage bags, hand sanitizer, and a water jug to refill water bottles will be provided. The gloves will be recycled at the end through the store’s TerraCycle box. People are asked to bring their own reusable water bottles, family and friends, and grabbers if they have them. Text 973-362-6960 to register and visit for complete details.
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Plastics Project
Pollution from single-use plastics harms our planet, our wildlife, and our own health. Much of this pollution comes from plastic items we don't need in our lives at all - from plastic grocery bags to polystyrene (aka Styrofoam) takeout food containers. The plastics project aims to push forward both local and statewide legislation to ban single-use plastic bags. Currently, we are focused on forming key partnerships with other organizations, such as ANJEC and the Plastic Pollution Coalition, & taking action for a state plastics bill to pass through the state Assembly.
Project Coordinator: Purva Bommireddy
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