For more info please see this link on Fridays For Future USA’s site.

Theme + Background
This is an international effort to push for real action on climate. You have the option to put pressure on President Biden, Governor Murphy, or both!
In the United States, we will be organizing digital actions around this theme and applying it to President Biden’s administration. In President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, he has promised to place renewable energy infrastructure and clean jobs at the center of the economic recovery from the pandemic. The goal of this campaign is to hold Biden accountable for the promises he made and to mobilize the public support for a Green Recovery. We are tying these elements together through our Build Back Green campaign.
We are planning a collaborative digital rally that can ignite climate movements across the United States, much like the one on Earth Day last year! We will be organizing a Strike, a few Roundtables, a Digital Rally, and After-Show Breakout-Rooms. All of the events will be on Zoom, some of them live-streamed to other platforms, and participation in the various sections is entirely independent of each other.
How to Participate
To participate in national efforts use this link to sign up for the events mentioned above.
The main tool for putting pressure on elected officials is using social media platforms to digitally strike.
In New Jersey, we will target both Biden and Governor Murphy.
1.Create a poster/sign that reflects the theme of #NoMoreEmptyPromises and take a photo of yourself holding it.
2. Post this photo on Friday March 19th using these #’s:
Tag: Governor Murphy IG: @govmurphy Twitter: @govmurphy
President Biden IG: @potus @joebiden Twitter: @potus @joebiden
Fridays for Future IG: @fridaysforfuture
If you’re willing to have your photo shared on the NJSSC Instagram please send it to us via slack or insta DM or tag us @njstudentsustainability